With students being at the heart of the university, their contributions to our work and the wider community have extreme value. In appreciation of this, here at Northumbria Sport, we’re running Student Volunteer Week, which is a campaign that aims to raise awareness of volunteering and its benefits to the student experience, wellbeing, and future opportunities.
Student Volunteer Week will run from the 6th - 12th February and aim of the campaign is to highlight and recognise all of the brilliant work our volunteers and interns bring to the community, acknowledging their impact on this. We want to celebrate all of our student volunteers and make them know how appreciated all of their hard work is. We want students to continue to have this opportunity to build on their skills and give back to the community whilst completing their studies!
During the week we have organised a number of one-off events, sessions, and micro-volunteering opportunities that you can all engage in! Activities throughout the week will range from First Aid training, Club Matters workshops and volunteer talks, as well as plenty of new volunteer opportunities that will be accessible through our volunteer kinetic portal.
At the university, there are plenty of ways to get involved as a volunteer, such as being part of a Club Committee or even engaging in one of our sports volunteer roles. All of these opportunities are recognised and will help you build skills that will look great on your CV.
As a student myself, choosing to volunteer with Northumbria Sport has not only given me the opportunity to build my skills in a professional environment, but has also allowed me to meet so many new like-minded people and strengthen my networking connections. Volunteering has boosted my confidence and provided me with more skills that I can take into a professional environment after my studies.
So, if you are looking for a way to build your skills, or just want to get involved in something new like I did, volunteering is a great place to start out!
Any questions? email us at sportvolunteering@northumbria.ac.uk to find out more.
Volunteer Opportunities: https://volunteernorthumbriasport.co.uk/volunteers/search
First Aid Training in Sport: email Rachel Owers
Active Bystander Training (Club Committee): Confirm attendance to your club officer. Alisa Deen
Training for Sport Clubs (Club Matters): https://www.sportenglandclubmatters.com/club-matters-workshops/
Newcastle United Foundation Talk: Friday 10 February at 12:00 at Sport Central. Contact Rachel Owers to confirm your attendance