Sport Psychology
The aim of sport psychology is to help athletes prepare psychologically for the demands of competition and training. This service is delivered through tailored one-to-one sessions (on a referral basis), resources and workshops.
Individual support can include - goal setting, anxiety management, cognitive techniques, imagery, concentration/focusing techniques, confidence, mental toughness/resilience and counselling.Team support we can offer includes - team goals, role clarity, communication, leadership, cohesion and tournament/competition preparation strategies.
Ralph Appleby: Psychologist
Ralph currently works at the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) as the National lead for practitioner development. Supporting the development of over 300 practitioners at 33 different sites across England. He balances this with placing semi-professional rugby at Darlington Mowden park. Ralph studied sport psychologist and has a PhD in “ An examination of the role of training demands and significant others in athlete burnout”. Ralph has experience with sports people from all levels including grass roots right up to Olympians and Paralympic World Champions.